Monday, August 17, 2009

August 15, 2009 ... My 60th Birthday

My Hands

While the LEFT is really in charge, they both have served me well and I am thankful each day to have them both.
The RIGHT is generally accommodating, but specifically uncontrollable.
However, the LEFT and the RIGHT come together in an opposite way to write simultaneously on a blackboard...the left writing BACKWARDS, the right writing FORWARDS.
(Being a leftie has its peculiarities)
They come together to make, to do, to care...and did nicely for this photo.

The Handgrown Flowers in the Handmade Basket
Found on my doorstep w/card from my dear neighbor/fellow gardener.
She claims to have no skills, talents...yet she grew the flowers
& made the basket !

Wise Women, The Button Collector Faery & The Bacon Chocolate Bar
Gifts from my longtime employee, Rose who seems to know me quite well.
The beautiful book inspired the photo of my hands.
Being a button collector, the faery appeared when Rose was on the prowl for my gift.
The bacon chocolate bar is...gone :)

I'd like to start a few days before my birthday even though I make it a point these days to celebrate all year long.
My recent affiliation with FaceBook has brought me in contact with several people I know from high school. And this lot managed to narrow itself a bit until I found that three others and myself had arranged a lunch (in my BDay week). Almost the night before, I begged off and almost the night before, I reconsidered. I'm glad I did! Haven't seen these girls in 42 years! ... amazed how our lives have developed in that time, how different we are, but kindred as well...I think we were surprisingly comfortable with one another and hope to meet once a month, hereafter!

One day the weekend before was spent with my new friend/neighbor/master gardener/artist
enjoying the Cleveland Museum of Art followed by a three hour drawing class across the street at the Botanical Gardens...a nice lunch, a bit of goofing around before home.

I've taken a couple of days off giving me a stretch of time to just BE...enjoying the garden, my home, my chum, books, my art... One person said to me in a monotone voice..."at least we made it another year". Well, yes of course, but let's be a bit more joyous than that! The number isn't a sign of being old, it is an achievement! I have assessed and have concluded that I am proud of who I grew up to be

... even though that growing wasn't a possibility until I was free.

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